Tag Archives: graceandgrit

We Need Both Grace & Grit with Courtney Townley

My very special guest Courtney Townley introduced me to podcasts when she had me on her show -Grace & Grit Podcast. It’s an absolute honor to host her on my show. We talk about how she got started with her coaching business, how self-care looks different at every age, and how to get started taking better care of yourself – which we can ALL do a better job of!

Courtney began working in the fitness industry over two decades ago when she transitioned from the professional dance world. She graduated from the University of Michigan with a BFA and is fully certified as a STOTT PILATES® instructor, National Strength and Conditioning personal trainer (NSCA-CPT), ACE Health Coach, Precision Nutrition Level 2 Coach. She is also a very proud student of the Ido Portal Method.

Courtney helps women all over the globe take better care of themselves with more consistency and ease through her online coaching programs and through her podcast, the Grace & Grit Podcast.

Courtney is passionate about a multi-dimensional approach to health and wellness, and helps women to build sustainable practices to support their body, mind and soul.

Find Courtney at the links below!



Instagram: @gracegrit

If you want to get involved with the Grace & Grit community, Courtney is running a Holiday Support Event for FREE that people can participate in in 1 of 2 ways:

1.  by joining the women of grace & grit FB community

2.   by registering at www.graceandgrit.com/holidays

It will be a great way to manage your health and stress through the holidays!